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Rookie (Playing The Field Book 2) Page 9
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Page 9
I hated the fact he was right. I’d been watching for her ever since, but she hadn’t appeared. It was almost as though she’d taken one look at us and bolted out the back door. When the guy brought the bill over, I considered asking him, but the last thing I wanted to do was get her in trouble. It was her first day, and she didn’t need us interfering.
Angus paid, first time for everything – he was the world’s biggest tight arse, I don’t think he’d ever even shouted a round of drinks. Usually before it got to his turn, he’d claim he had to get home and relieve the babysitter and vanish, leaving our glasses empty and our throats dry.
Turning the corner, I headed for home, loving the fact that this place was only a couple of blocks from my place. And better still, the walk along the path that skirted around the headlands made it a nice walk. Sliding my glasses down over my eyes, I was digging my phone out of my pocket when I smashed into someone with a whoosh.
“Shit!” I startled, reaching out blindly grabbing at whoever or whatever I’d hit.
“Fuck,” came the breathless reply. “Oh, my god, Seth.”
“Claire! Are you okay? Sorry I wasn’t looking…”
I was babbling, but there was nothing I could say to make this better. Claire was standing beside me in a pile of rubbish with something white dripping down her long, slender leg. From the look on her face, it wasn’t a pleasant feeling either.
“Fuck my life! Seriously!” she cried, stamping her foot which I think was her way of getting her frustrations out but just made her look fucking adorable.
“Let me help you,” I offered.
“It’s fine.” She tried to wave me away, but I wasn’t going anywhere.
“No, it’s not. I made the mess. Please, Claire, let me at least help clean it up.”
I don’t think there was an instance in my life where I’d ever begged to clean before. I’m pretty sure, if anything, Bryce and I had had more than a million arguments about who made the mess or whose turn it was to take the bin out.
While Claire tried to clean herself up, I grabbed handfuls of trash and chucked it in the bin. It was disgusting. When I’d run into her, one of the plastic garbage bags she’d been carrying had split and the food scraps and waste had gone everywhere. Ignoring the grossness of it all, I hurriedly cleaned up the mess.
Take away the white goo, which I was hoping was mayonnaise running down her leg, she was gorgeous. With her short black shorts, the apron wrapped around her slim waist, and her bright pink shirt she was the perfect summer girl. Those legs were tanned, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what it’d feel like to have them wrapped around me. And her hair. Shit! The way her long blonde ponytail swayed with her every movement, I couldn’t stop envisioning it wrapped around my fist as I ploughed into her from behind. The completely wrong ideas to be having right about now.
It didn’t take long and everything was cleaned up, well as well as it could be anyway, and it was time to say goodbye. Something I was surprisingly not ready to do.
Claire must’ve sensed it too because when she lifted her eyes to meet mine, she looked tired, defeated, and completely over everything. A look I hated. “I should get inside. I’ve got tables to clear.”
“So, you’re working here now?” I commented, not realising how stupid I sounded until it was too late.
“Yeah. I got the job yesterday.”
“I’ll see you later, Seth,” she murmured before, dropping her head, hunching her shoulders, and turning to walk away from me. Something I did not like. I did not fucking like it at all.
“Claire!” I called out to her retreating arse.
“What?” she sighed, spinning around to face me.
“What time do you finish?”
“Three. Why?”
“I’ll pick you up at five. Does that give you enough time?”
Claire looked dumbfounded, and I couldn’t blame her. I was confused as fuck at what I was doing. I hadn’t thought this through very well, but that didn’t mean I was backing down either. “If I pick you up at five, does that give you enough time to do whatever you need to do?”
“What do I need to do?”
“I just thought you might want a shower,” I suggested, looking at her legs.
“Well, ah yeah. Look we don’t have to. Surely you’ve got…”
“Claire!” I cut off her rambling and stalked toward her, brushing some of her hair off her face before cupping her cheeks with my palms. “I’m picking you up at your place at five. Be ready.” I kissed her forehead, turned, and walked away, leaving her standing there, looking completely startled. The last thing I was about to do was give her the opportunity to object. Walking away was my best and my smartest option.
I made it halfway home before I let my anxieties get the better of me. I might’ve talked a big game. I might’ve projected a cool, calm, and collected appearance. I might’ve acted like I had the answers, but I had nothing. It was all bullshit. I had no idea what the fuck we were going to do this afternoon but after making such a big deal about it, I felt like I didn’t have an option. I had to go big or go home. Anything less wouldn’t be acceptable, and after seeing Claire looking like someone had stolen her puppy, I knew whatever it was, it had to put a smile on her face.
And I knew just the person to help me.
I stood under the spray wishing I hadn’t let Seth convince me to go out with him this afternoon. I just wanted to grab a tub of rocky road ice cream and a spoon, curl up on the couch, and pretend the outside world didn’t exist. If I thought it was hard listening to mindless gossip and trying to make small talk while I did someone’s hair, working in the service industry was something else. People were arseholes. When they weren’t clicking their fingers demanding attention or sending back perfectly good food because it didn’t look like the picture, then they were muttering frankly inappropriate comments about my appearance. It’d taken all the patience I possessed not to turn around and tell the pricks what I thought. It was a family-friendly café for fucks sake. You didn’t comment about biting someone’s arse while kids drank their baby cino’s in the highchair next to them. If I wasn’t so desperate for the pay cheque, I wasn’t sure I’d be going back tomorrow.
Other than the patrons, the place was awesome. Isla was amazing, and even though I’d done nothing but repeatedly embarrass myself with a clumsiness I usually didn’t possess, first tipping a bottle of water into Seth’s friend’s lap then covering myself in sticky, thick warm yoghurt, she didn’t fire me. Instead of making me feel bad about it, she pulled me aside, helped me get cleaned up and told me about her first day. A day that made mine look like a major success.
After washing the conditioner from my hair, I turned off the tap and stepped out, wrapping a towel around me and knotting it between my boobs. Staring in the mirror, I noticed how much I’d let myself go. My overgrown eyebrows didn’t lie. Digging the tweezers out of my toiletry bag sitting on the sink, I tried to make them match. Ten frustrating minutes later, I threw them down, hearing them ping off the sink while I pouted. This right here was why I was a hairdresser not a beauty therapist. I couldn’t make them even no matter how much I swore at them, and if I kept going, well there was a very good chance I’d end up having to draw them back on. There’d be nothing left.
Giving up, I stomped back to my bedroom, grabbed my phone, and turned my music on, trying to find some energy. Scrolling through my phone I realised I had no idea what we were doing or where we were going, and what’s worse, I didn’t know how to dress for that.
Claire: What are we doing?
Thankfully, Seth was quick with his reply.
Seth: Surprise
Claire: Fine
Seth: Jeans and comfy shoes
Claire: Where the hell are you taking me?
Seth: You’ve got 20min before
I get there. Less time complaining more time dressing. We have a 5:30 appointment
Claire: ???
Claire: You’re really not going to tell me
Seth: Not a chance
Seth: See you soon
I don’t know if his cockiness turned me on or drove me crazy. Possibly both. There was something wrong with me.
Even though I was resolved to make him wait, I dug a pair of jeans from the overnight bag kicked into the corner and wriggled into them. He may want me in just a pair of jeans, but it didn’t mean it needed to be saggy arsed jeans. I was going to look hot even if it sapped every ounce of energy from my body.
My phone chirped on my bed as I fought with the clasp on my favourite push up bra. Finally snapping it into place, I wriggled it around, stuffed my boobs into it, and adjusted the straps. Yep, I was one of those weirdos who did the clasp up in the front then spun it around. It had to be easier than trying to reach behind you and fight it where you could barely reach.
Bending down, I checked my phone.
Seth: 7min
Seth was definitely annoying.
And I was definitely screwed.
It seemed the more frustratingly annoying he was, the more curious I became. Knowing the clock was ticking, I pulled on a pair of tan boots and a cream-coloured blouse with a camisole underneath. It was cute, and I’m pretty sure I could get away with it no matter where we ended up.
After a quick swipe of my mascara wand and some lip gloss, I grabbed my bag and checked I had everything I could possibly need before heading out. Stepping out the bedroom door, I walked straight into my shirtless brother.
“Geez, Isaac! I don’t want to see your gun show,” I scolded while he postured in front of me. For an adult, sometimes he acted like the teenage boy I’d spent years fighting with.
“Everyone wants to see the gun show.” I rolled my eyes so hard, I swear I saw my brain. “You headed out?”
“Yep.” The last thing I wanted to do was stand here and share details.
“How was work?”
I’d been trying to put the whole painful experience behind me, but it seemed like that was maybe a little too much to ask. “Minimum wage isn’t enough for that.”
“What happened?”
“People suck.” I shrugged.
“People with money do, and you’re in fancy pants area.”
“Yeah. The self-importance is high, that’s for sure.”
“Well, go out and have some fun. You’ve earned it.”
“Thanks, Isaac. I will.”
“You working tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Afternoon shift. You?”
“Well, we’ll coordinate schedules at some point so we can catch up properly.” I tried not to sound disappointed. Isaac was a pain in the arse, but he was also my best friend. He hadn’t been home last night when I’d got back so I hadn’t had a chance to debrief about what happened while I was home, and until now, I hadn’t realised how much I needed it. Isaac was the perfect person to unload on. He’d understand. He wouldn’t judge. Well, he would, but he’d also back me every step of the way.
“Definitely.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him before giving me a noogie. Some days I think he actually forgets I’m not one of the guys.
“Enjoy your date, Claire Bear.”
“How’d you…”
“He just pulled in.” With a loud slap on my arse, he sauntered off leaving me standing there wondering what the fuck just happened. They said girls were confusing, guys were not much better. At least none of the guys I knew.
Ducking back into my room, I ran a brush through my hair again, checked the window, and then headed for the front door. As I was reaching for the knob, my phone vibrated in my hand, and I dropped it to the floor. Even though there was a case on it, of course it fell screen first onto the tiles. Sucking in a deep breath, I prepared myself to pick it up and find a smashed screen. When I grabbed it though, I briefly considered the option that maybe my luck was changing. There wasn’t a mark on it. I could barely believe it.
Seth: Times up
As the smile stretched my lips, a knock on the door behind me made me jump. Clutching at my chest, I yanked it open only to find every girl’s dream staring back at me. This guy made my knees weak. Dressed in a distressed pair of jeans, runners, and a navy polo, he looked casual and sexy all in the same moment. But his appearance still wasn’t giving me any clues.
“Hi,” he greeted through the screen.
“Hi,” I replied dumbly.
“You ready? We need to get moving.”
Pulling the strap of my bag over my shoulder, I nodded, opened the door, and stepped out into the warmth of the fading sun. Following Seth down the stairs, I caught a whiff of his cologne and it made me giggly.
When Seth pulled open the passenger side door on his Range Rover, he looked at me like I’d lost my mind. Maybe I had. “What’s so funny? Have I got something…” he started swatting at his butt as if he’d sat in something.
After letting him fret for a few seconds, I put him out of his misery. “No. No. It’s nothing, I’m just…”
“A little bit crazy?” he offered with a smile, closing the door and jogging around the front of the car before sliding behind the wheel.
“Maybe just a bit,” I confirmed as he backed out into traffic.
We drove for five minutes, and I still had no idea where we were headed. I’d assumed we were going to a pub or out for dinner or something. Or maybe that was just my rumbling stomach and a bit of wishful thinking.
“Where are we going?” I asked again.
“That sounds ominous.”
“I figured our first date should probably be something at least memorable,” Seth started, his voice wavering. It was the first time I’d seen him with his feathers ruffled, and I liked it. I liked it a lot.
“Date, huh?”
“Well. Ah. Yeah. I mean…It could…”
I was a masochist. Truly evil. Watching him bumble and stumble had me getting more and more enamoured with him.
“Wasn’t dinner with your family our first date?”
“Hell no. That was a disaster, definitely not a date.”
“Why? Did you think it was?”
“Well, I don’t know. The ice cream and the kiss were pretty damn epic.” Seth blushed, and my mission was accomplished. After embarrassing the crap out of myself today, especially after pouring warm yoghurt down my leg, seeing Seth looking awkward and off-balance evened the playing field. At least in my mind it did.
“It was. But…but…we’re here.”
We’re here? Where the fuck were we? We were bumping down a dirt road, if you could even call it a road, track was probably more accurate. Five minutes ago we were in suburban Sydney, and now we were in the middle of the damn bush. Was he driving me out here to bury me in a shallow grave?
Before I had a chance to work myself up too much, the car came to a stop out the front of an old, country-style home. One very similar looking to the one I’d grown up in. “What are we doing here?” I asked as Seth unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out of the car heading towards the woman waddling towards him in her jeans and flannel shirt.
For a minute I watched him talk to her, handing her something before coming back to the car and opening my door. “You ready to go?”
“Go where? What are we doing? Come on, Seth, you need to give me something.”
“You don’t need your purse. Leave everything in the car. You just need your sunglasses and your phone in case you want to take some photos.”
“Photos of what?” I whined, zipping up my bag and stuffing it under the front seat before turning back to Seth.
“Photos of our amazingly awesome first date.”
“First date doing what?”
With a wicked smirk on his lips, one that showed ju
st how much fun he was having driving me crazy, he reached out and dropped his hands on my shoulders before bending down to my eye level. “Turn around,” he rasped out before spinning me where I stood.
I managed to turn without stumbling, something new for me today, but when I did, I shivered. Seth had fucking nailed it.
“That’s for you.” Claire smiled up at me as she rolled off my chest.
“Damn it. I don’t wanna…” I grumbled, throwing my legs out of the bed and finding my boxers on the floor.
“Go. I’m hungry. Feed me.”
How could I say no to that? Snagging a t-shirt from the drawer, I took one look over my shoulder and realised how much I didn’t give a fuck if the pizza went cold. Claire was snuggled up under my blankets, her eyes drowsy and her hair mussed.
Dragging my eyes away, I bounded down the stairs and met the kid at the door. After handing him an obscene tip, ’cause I really didn’t want to waste time fucking around for change, I was headed back up the stairs to where Claire was waiting.
Dropping the pizza box in the centre of the bed, I scowled. “Who said you could get dressed?” I complained.
I’d been gone all of a minute, and Claire had piled her hair into a messy top knot thing on the top of her head and helped herself to one of my shirts. I’d whinge harder but she just looked so damn good in it, I was seriously weighing up my options of kicking the pizza to the floor and having her for dinner. Again.
“Smells good. I’m starving.”
“I forgot drinks. What’d you want?”
“Just water thanks.”
Stomping out of the room, I bounded back down the stairs and grabbed drinks from the fridge before heading back only to stop halfway up to collect my trophy. Stepping through my bedroom door, I kicked it shut behind me, and with a pizza slice halfway to her mouth, Claire froze.