Perfection Is Just an Illusion (Swimming Upstream #1) Read online

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  He emerged from the pool bathed in victory. Without hesitation he saluted the crowd with his trademark wave. Before James even had a chance to take a deep breath cameras and microphones surrounded him. Questions began bombarding him.

  “That was a remarkable swim James, how do you feel?”

  “Did you know that you could go that fast?”

  “How much faster do you think you can you go?”

  James answered all the questions diplomatically with a fake smile plastered across his face. It was his trademark wide smile and it seemed that only Anna knew it was fake.

  James spun on his heel and headed towards the change rooms. Without thinking, he glanced up in the stands and saw Anna pointing to the screen as discreetly as she could manage. The same image flashed again: Anna’s stunned face and the question that seemed to be following her every foot step. ‘Who is she?’

  Then an even cheekier question emerged. As a reporter stuck a microphone into his chest, he dared to ask it. “James. Who’s the girl we are seeing you pop up with all over town?” James glared down at him.

  “That beautiful young woman who is gracing the covers of every newspaper in town, and who has everyone in this arena whispering is my fiancée, Anna White. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to change,” James stated proudly.

  The arena fell silent. Once James was out of sight, the whispers returned. One young lady sitting behind Anna started screaming, “She’s here. Here she is.” She pointed at Anna. As quickly as possible, Anna fled. Before she knew what was happening, she was being mobbed. People were requesting her autograph and guys were asking for her phone number. Hands were grabbing at her. All the pushing and shoving overcame Anna as she stumbled to the ground. Neither Anna nor James knew that the declaration of Anna’s identity would cause chaos. Diana and Michael were unable to get to her. Anna lay helpless on the steps. Despite her fight, Anna was struggling to get to her feet. Another knock from an unsuspecting knee to her ribs, and Anna gasped for breath.

  James fought his way through the crowd graciously, accepting the pats on the back and congratulations from random strangers. Eventually he reached Anna’s side and scooped her up. She was shaking and wheezing, trying to catch her breath. James carried her down from the stands and hoisted her over the barricades before dropping her into Justin and Ian’s awaiting arms. Quickly Ian deposited Anna into the back of an awaiting ambulance. James, still scantily clad in his barely there Speedo, climbed into the ambulance and held her hand tightly. Anna had lost consciousness and James was already praying to a God he didn’t believe in.

  The next morning James and Anna emerged hand in hand from the hospital and faced the awaiting media. James read unemotionally from a short, prepared statement. “We’d like to take this opportunity to beg for some privacy. Anna’s doing fine; she merely fainted during all the commotion yesterday. We will be married upon our return to Australia and for now I would just like to get back to the pool and try to continue to swim well for the rest of the week. Thank you.” Without even giving them the opportunity to ask a question they were ushered into the back of a car and whisked away.



  So much had happened in the past two days whirlwind didn’t even begin to explain it. James and Anna were exhausted, both emotionally and mentally. Sinking into the plush leather seats, they sat in comfortable silence reflecting on everything that they knew. Anna was beginning to question everything that they had done, terrified that they’d made the wrong decision. James, on the other hand, was ecstatic about their decision. He was relieved. For the first time, they had told the truth. They had left out some of the minor details or maybe one major detail. The fact that they were already married.

  They arrived back at Chesterfield Castle and breathed a sigh of relief. Once again they were able to walk around without an audience. They practically skipped into Diana and Michael’s room to reassure them that Anna was okay. After a few brief minutes chatting and promising that Anna’s health was fine, they escaped into the privacy of Anna’s suite.

  Thankfully James had the day off, only having to swim the relay final that night. He’d already checked in with Joel and made sure that it was okay that he not go in today and instead spend the day with Anna. Anna drew back the heavy curtains happily and let the sun shine in.

  It was a perfect day. The snow had eased, yet everything still had a soft, thick coat of fluffy white snow covering it. The sun was shining yet it didn’t have the warmth which would inevitably melt the paradise Anna in love with. Outside was unnaturally silent. There were no chirps of insects, no songs from birds, and no signs of life. Anna folded her arms and watched. She was completely captivated by the splendour that was laid before her.

  Anna was so caught up by her thoughts that she momentarily forgot that James was there. He snuck up behind her, wrapping his long, muscled arms around her tiny waist. “Now gorgeous,” he lowered his head, dropping tiny kisses on her neck. “I’m all yours, all day. So, what…am…I…going…to…do…with…you?” he panted, kissing her neck.

  Anna giggled. Her husband was an Olympic gold medallist, a world record holder at the top of his game. And he was now gasping, desperately out of breath.

  “I don’t know. Any suggestions?” Anna taunted, wrapping herself around him. Anna’s stomach clenched with nerves.

  James’s other hand slid under her top and his fingers were tracing circles on the flat plane of her stomach. “I have a few ideas, Mrs. Thompson,” James whispered as he nibbled on her ear before spinning her around and covering her mouth with his own.

  All of a sudden, everything Anna had been afraid of disappeared. She looked into James’s warm, inviting brown eyes. Those captivating eyes dissolved all her fears and insecurities. The man before her made her feel comfortable and safe and loved. And there was nowhere else she’d rather be. No one else she’d rather be with. Anna’s arms slid instinctively around his neck, pulling his body flush against hers as she kissed him softly. Their kisses rapidly intensified and within moments their kisses were desperate and ferocious.

  “Anna, you sure you want to do this?” James stared at her. He saw the desperation in her eyes. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. Sliding his hands up her back, with one quick movement, he had her top lying in a pile on the floor.

  There was no going back. This was it. Anna and James’s one perfect moment had arrived. After holding back for so long nothing was going to stop them now. They were married. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. And with their hearts leading the way nothing would or could ruin it.

  James didn’t seem to care about the state of her underwear and neither did she as he unfastened her jeans and traced a flickering line with his tongue over her breasts and down the flat plane of her stomach. Anna groaned as her body arched convulsively, feeling the urgent, pulsating beat of desire. She tore at his clothes, her shyness forgotten, pulling at the buttons of his shirt, desperate to touch him. His skin felt warm, his muscles hard under her fingers.

  They fell on the bed, their clothes discarded, exploring each other with tongues, eyes, and fingertips, discovering each other for the first time. Their desire spiralled out of control until they couldn’t stand it anymore and their bodies cried out for their inevitable release.

  Afterwards they lay tangled in the warm, creased sheets, happiness enveloping them like a tight hug. Their sated bodies, drenched in sweat, clung together. Anna’s head rested on James’s heaving chest. He was stroking her hair tenderly. James looked down at her, his smile was devastatingly sexy. They spent the whole afternoon lying in each other’s arms, refusing to part, even for the briefest moment. Now they were enveloped by a cocoon of pure bliss, safe in the knowledge that what had taken place had been perfect.

  The next couple of days proved to be harder and more frustrating than all of the previous chaste months. Now they knew what they’d been missing. Their appetite for each other was insatiable. Diana and Michael silently acknowledged the change in both of
them and in their relationship. While Anna sat in the stands, James swam. Each time he emerged from the pool he gave her a sly wink and wave before taking his seat with the team. There were no more romantic dinners, no more walks, and he no longer took her home each night—all at Anna’s insistence. They’d already discovered that they couldn’t be trusted when they were alone. Any private moment that they found they couldn’t stop themselves from devouring the other.

  James finished the competition with six gold medals. Four came in world record times. On the final day he was awarded the prestigious ‘Swimmer of the Meet.’ Despite the praises from the world and the fact that James had broken new standards with his medal haul, it didn’t go to his head. While the world thought he could walk on water, he took it all in his stride. As everyone around him celebrated his accolades and all his successes, James had only one single focus. All he wanted was to return to Australia and marry the love of his life. Again.

  Reluctantly Anna packed her bags and checked out of Chesterfield Castle. Sadness consumed her as she realised that she was leaving her fairy tale. There would be no more early morning walks to the brook. No more snowflakes falling on her eyelashes. No more hours spent lost, exploring all the wonders the grounds had to offer. Anna was checking out of her dream. And as the realisation struck, Anna vowed that one day she would return.

  Anna and James came face to face for the first time at the airport. Although they’d spoken on the phone at least twice a day, as their fingers intertwined waiting in line to clear immigration, it was the first physical contact they’d shared since the afternoon wrapped in each other. Quickly they cleared immigration and boarded the plane for the long journey home. Neither James nor Anna were looking forward to the long, uncomfortable flight home, but they both knew that once they got there, they definitely had things to look forward to. James sat next to Justin at the back of the plane, while Anna was seated next to Ian somewhere in the bowels of cattle class. Most of the way home, Anna slept comfortably on Ian’s shoulder. When James wandered past, he saw Anna sleeping soundly on his mate’s shoulder, Ian’s arm draped around her innocently.

  “Hey! Watch your hands, mate.” James smirked.

  Ian just flashed his trademark panty dropping smile. “I’ll watch mine but I can’t guarantee that your little firecracker wifey here can control hers.” James laughed heartily and kept walking. He was quietly relieved that his mates loved Anna as much as he did, it just made everything easier.

  The plane touched down at Sydney airport just after eight. An hour later they were emerging from the heavy glass doors and into the sticky Sydney air. For the first time since their passion explosion Anna and James felt happy, safe, and ecstatic about the future. They were both shocked by the size of the media contingent waiting outside to take photographs and get their exclusive interviews. Instinctively, James yanked Anna behind him. No one was going to get through him to get to her. Moments later, James was smiling and signing autographs. He didn’t notice when a man grabbed Anna from behind. She lost James’s hand in the crush and was on her own. He didn’t look back as he pushed his way through the crowd and headed for the waiting car. He climbed in and waited expectantly for Anna to slide in beside him. Minutes passed, but still she never appeared.

  Chapter 15


  Anna stared with horror at the man who had pulled her from James’s arms and into his own. He was a tall, attractive man, with a mound of sandy hair. He wore a grey overcoat, dark glasses, and heavy, black combat boots. He pulled Anna through the crowd and towards his car before tossing her carelessly into the back seat of his black Land Rover. A young woman in the front drove off. Anna was grabbing desperately at the door handle, trying to get out. Tears stung her eyes as she saw James climb out of the car and his eyes began scouring the sea of faces for her. Without understanding what she was doing, Anna was kicking and scratching at the doors and windows, trying hysterically to escape, but it was in vain. Anna turned from frustration to anger and began lashing out at the man who had grabbed her.

  “Stop it, bitch!” he commanded with a deep, harsh voice, as he slapped her right across her face. His hand connected with her cheekbone and Anna thought her face was going to explode. Anna rubbed at her face and was shocked to see blood when she pulled back her hand. “Such a pretty face, don’t make me mess it up,” he threatened. His deep rasping voice sent a shiver down Anna’s spine. Before Anna had time to fight, he snatched Anna’s arms and tied them behind her back, binding them with thick strips of grey duct tape.

  As reality sunk in and the terror took over, Anna began shaking uncontrollably. Her sobs grew louder until he barked at her again. “You, little Missy, are going to give me everything that my heart desires.” He ran his fingers up and down Anna’s arm, a slimy smile creeping over his face.

  Anna summoned some courage that she didn’t even know she had. “H-How can I do that?” stuttered Anna between sobs. “I’m not successful or rich. I’m just a nobody. I’ve got nothing to give you.”

  With an evil grin and a vicious laugh, he explained, “It’s not money or success that I want. All I want is what is rightfully mine. Before that sleazy friend, boyfriend, lover or fiancé or whatever the fuck you’re calling him these days, gets it first. I deserve it. I earned it. And I assure you, I always get what I want. I warned him. But he wouldn’t listen.” His calloused fingers stroked her leg. Nausea had her firmly in its grasp. He was going to do whatever he wanted with her until James played into his hands.

  The woman in the front turned around and glared at Anna. She was a rather pretty girl with fiery red hair. Her face was covered in freckles and her narrowed brown eyes were filled with hatred and disgust. Anna couldn’t decide if the hate beams radiating from her were targeted at her or the sleaze bag beside her. She looked about the same age as Anna, maybe a few years younger. “Where to?” she asked in a gentle voice.

  “I think we would like to go back to my place. Then we can get better acquainted.” She just nodded and focussed back on the road.



  James was going crazy. He was still stuck in the centre of the media frenzy. He knew something was wrong. Really wrong. Anna wouldn’t just disappear like that. He had to find her but right now he was trapped. Quickly he realised that the only way to get Anna back in his arms where she belonged as quickly as possible was to ask for help. Again. He knew that he would look like a fool losing Anna twice and in such a short space of time, but right now he couldn’t care less how he came across. Anna was more important than attempting to save face.

  “James!” someone called out over the crush of bodies. “What’s wrong? Lose your gold medals?” he was asked as a microphone was thrust into his chest.

  James sighed. “I wish,” he murmured under his breath. Running his hands through his hair, trying to contain the panic building inside of him, he pulled himself to his full height. “That young woman who was here with me a minute ago is my fiancée, Anna. Did anyone see where she went?” he asked hopefully.

  James’s eyes filled with tears as the cameramen switched their microphones off and put their cameras down. Maybe they do have some morals and compassion, he thought, surprised. One petite young blonde told James that she had seen Anna being whisked away by a man in a heavy grey overcoat and sandy coloured hair. She told him that Anna looked scared and like she was struggling to get away.

  James’s heart leapt into his mouth. This couldn’t be happening. They had only a handful of perfect hours together before the world as they knew it had been ripped away from them. Again. Now Anna had been fighting as some guy had thrown her in the back of a car. James’s legs felt like jelly beneath him and moments later he collapsed into a heap on the footpath. People pushed and shoved, trying to get to him. James didn’t know what to do. He was lost. He felt like he couldn’t breathe as he struggled to take in deep breaths.

  The doors of the airport once again opened and Ian strolled out onto the street.
  “What the hell is going on over there?” Ian asked as he wandered over towards the action. Fans and journalists jumped backward, allowing Ian to part the crowd like it was the Red Sea, right through to where James was. When Ian’s gaze landed on James, he was unable to hide his shock. James was sitting on the cold, hard concrete shaking and struggling to breathe. He was as white as a ghost. “Someone call an ambulance,” Ian boomed. He sat James up and wrapped his arms around him, trying to keep him warm.

  One young fan took off his jacket and handed it to Ian. “Here, use this.” Ian just nodded and draped it over James’s shoulders.

  “What the fuck?” Ian queried. It was obvious to anyone who took a moment to look close enough he was balancing on the very edge, threatening to go catatonic at any moment.

  The blonde started to explain when a fight broke out behind her. One of the cameramen had started filming again. The news reporter that accompanied him snarled, “This is not news. Turn that fucking thing off!” The cameraman kept filming James, who was sitting there on the ground but his mind was more than a million miles away. The reporter snapped again, snatching the camera and chucking it to the ground, where it smashed to pieces.

  The ambulance arrived. Carefully the medics loaded James onto the stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. “We’ll take him to the private hospital,” the ambulance officer told Ian quietly.