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Played: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Playing Games Book 2) Page 10
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Page 10
“Well, Romeo,” Logan commented, looking at me like I was a lost puppy.
I kinda was. Sienna and Hunter were tangled up together, and Logan couldn’t keep his hands off Tash, and I didn’t even want to know where hers were.
“What do you want to do?”
“There’s nothing I can do.”
I was defeated, tired, sore and hungry.
“I have an idea if you want, but…” Sienna began, sounding nervous.
“I’m open to any and all ideas,” I admitted. I should’ve been embarrassed by my desperation, but I didn’t give a shit. I was standing in a room with two opposition players who could use everything I said and did against me on the field, a blogger who could print my problems for the whole world to know, and I didn’t even bother to hide the truth. There was no point. Hiding it wasn’t going to help me get the girl. And right now, I was all about getting the girl.
“In that case…” Logan laughed.
“No ideas from you,” I confirmed. Last time he’d asked me to tag along with him on one of his ideas, we’d spent most of the day in and out of jewellers looking for the perfect diamond ring, leaving more than one shop assistant questioning if we were together.
“Okay, here’s what I think we do.”
I don’t know if Sienna’s idea was brilliant or a suicide mission.
Hunter, Logan and I were standing on the street, huddled way too close together, weighed down with bags of Chinese food Sienna insisted we get, and like the pussy whipped idiots we are, well they are, I just went along for the ride. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.
“I sure hope this works,” Logan grumbled.
“You hope this works? This is my last fucking chance,” I admitted, adjusting the bags in my hand so I could wipe them on my pants. I was sweating bullets.
Hunter’s phone chirped and that was our queue.
Sienna had taken Tash and headed straight for Emma’s while we had instructions to get food before joining them. I’d gone along with it in hopes it worked. After all, it was the only plan we had. At least this one meant I wasn’t knocking on Emma’s door in the middle of the night like some crazy creeper by myself. She had warning. And her best friend.
“You ready for this?”
“Absolutely fucking not,” I admitted as the doors on the elevator pinged revealing a depressing beige hallway.
“This way,” Hunter told us as he rounded the corner.
“You been here before?” I questioned, only slightly surprised how harsh my accusation came out.
He waited until he reached the door and stopped in front of it before turning back to me. “Once or twice,” he replied so casually I wanted to rip off his favourite appendage.
“Dude, you should see your face,” Logan taunted.
“Oh, fuck off. Go get married or something,” I threw back. I was acting like a prick but with adrenaline coursing through my body, I could barely stand still as Hunter lifted his hand and knocked.
A moment passed. And then another. Then, just when I was ready to give up and go home with my tail between my legs, Sienna cracked the door open, checking it was us. Smart girl. You couldn’t be too careful these days, and I was pleasantly surprised that not only did she have street smarts, but she used them too. The door shut and I heard her unlatch the chain. Barely. My heart was beating so loudly I was surprised the neighbours weren’t out here complaining about the noise.
“Is it safe?” I asked.
“Come in.” Sienna smiled, opening the door and waving us in.
As the boys pushed past me, desperate to get their hands on their women – you’d never guess they only saw them half an hour ago – my eyes went to the one hanging back, hiding in plain sight. At least she looked like she was trying to. Where Sienna and Tash were still dressed up, only their shoes kicked off, Emma was rocking the couch potato look. The thing was, if she was trying to make herself look anything less than fucking fantastic, she’d have to try harder. With pink fuzzy socks on her feet, flannel pants that looked like they were covered in ice cream cones, and an oversized hoodie that hid every single one of those curves I’d spent way too many nights fantasising about to forget.
“We bought food,” I announced, holding up my bags.
“Agh, more food. I think I’ve eaten my body weight in salami and cheese already tonight.” Emma grimaced, rubbing her non-existent belly.
“So, you don’t want spring rolls then?” I asked, toeing off my shoes and pushing past the happy couples.
“Well, I didn’t say that,” Emma replied with a smile. Relief flooded my body. She wasn’t kicking me out. She wasn’t pissed off, and I got a smile. I was marking it down as a win. It might be the only one I score tonight so I was claiming it. “I’ll grab some plates.”
“I’ll give you a hand.” With the moans coming from Logan and Tash, I needed to move away from that. Hearing them through a wall was one thing, being there front and centre was completely different.
Silently and efficiently, Emma moved around the kitchen, digging out plates, cutlery and what was possibly the ugliest tablecloth I’d ever seen. It was green and yellow and in some weird seventies retro print. Emma must’ve seen the look I gave it when she set it down on the counter beside me. “It was my Gran’s,” she offered in defence. Instead of giving her some sort of smart-arsed comeback, I picked my battles and stayed silent.
“Are you two making out in there?” a voice I would recognise anywhere called out.
“No, Natasha,” I replied, needing to put a stop to that sort of shit. The last thing I wanted was for Emma to be uncomfortable around me, and if Tash’s dumb comments did that, even Logan wouldn’t stop me from beating her arse. Okay, he probably would but she’d definitely be on the end of one hell of a scathing death stare.
“Well, why the hell not?”
“Tash.” I could hear Logan trying to tame her. I don’t know why he bothered. He should know better. Tash couldn’t be tamed. It’s what made her so damn brilliant at her job, even if she just stirred up trouble, she was scarily tenacious.
“We should get out there.” Emma motioned, grabbing what she could carry.
“You go. I’ll be right behind you.”
She looked at me warily but didn’t ask. I needed to talk my cock down to a reasonable state, black suit pants weren’t exactly the best at hiding unwanted attention. After a few deep breaths and focusing on coaches threats of extra training sessions, I managed to talk myself off the ledge enough to be able to be around people again and have enough blood in my brain to form a coherent sentence.
By the time I made it into the lounge room, everyone was seated on the floor picnic style, piling food on their plates, talking and laughing. I’d spied an empty bottle of wine on the sink while I was in the kitchen, but it didn’t seem to be an issue. Another was being opened, glasses refilled, and Hunter was handing out bottles of water. As much as I wanted a beer right now or possibly something stronger, it wasn’t worth it. Staying sober sounded like my best option.
Dinner was finished and Logan and Hunter quickly packed up the plates leaving me surrounded by lionesses. They were all looking sleepy and satisfied. I don’t know if it was the wine or the food or the late hour, but everyone was fading fast. When Hunter reappeared, he was holding an empty wine bottle and wearing a mischievous grin.
“So, who’s up for a little game of truth or dare?”
Everyone shut up. Even Sienna, who I don’t think even paused talking long enough to eat.
“You mean that dumb game we played in high school?” Logan asked. Thank god he did, cause if he hadn’t, I would’ve had to.
“What are we? Fifteen?” Emma teased, grabbing a cushion from the lounge, and propping it up behind her back before stretching out her legs in front of her. How the fuck this woman had me all worked up when she was covered neck to toe was confusing the shit out of me. She wasn’t even trying and yet she had me by the balls.
“Come on, it could be kind of fun.” Sienna giggled. I got the feeling she would’ve gone along with anything Hunter said.
“Fine,” Emma grumbled, and I almost choked on my water. I thought for sure if anyone was going to squash the idea on the head, it would be Emma.
“I’m in,” I added quickly, not wanting to leave her out there on her own, before shooting Logan a look that meant get your arse in here.
“We’re in,” he agreed.
“We are?” Tash questioned, and when Logan bent his neck and whispered something in Tash’s ear that had her cheeks turning pink, she quickly confirmed. “Oh yeah. We’re playing. And I’m going first.”
Crawling across the floor, arse unashamedly in the air, Tash grabbed the bottle in the middle of the tablecloth and spun it. It looked like we were playing some weird variation of spin the bottle and truth or dare. I’ll admit, I was fucking nervous. This could be the most awesome thing I’d ever done, or it could backfire spectacularly. I hoped for the former but prepared for the latter.
When it landed on me, a lump appeared in my throat.
“Bryce, truth or dare,” Tash challenged, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
This wasn’t good. Not good at all. Knowing Tash the way I did, I knew what sort of shit she’d have no problems stirring up. Being first up, I needed to be cautious or this would be over before it even began. “Truth,” I replied, not missing Tash’s groan of disappointment.
“Fine. You’re boring!” Tash pouted.
“Be nice,” Logan warned, dragging her back between his legs and pinning her against him.
“Bryce, is it true you fucked up when you climbed out of Emma’s bed in the morning, disappeared without saying goodbye AND failed to get her phone number?”
She wasn’t holding back at all.
That fucking stung. But not as much as my answer.
Glancing over at Emma who was entirely too engrossed on picking her nails, I looked down and answered honestly. “Yes.”
“Sorry, didn’t catch that?” Sienna pointed out, and I was getting the distinct feeling I was being set up.
“Yes, okay. I fucked up. I should’ve said sorry and I should’ve asked for Emma’s number. Begged for it,” I confessed loud enough for there to be no confusion. “And I should’ve grown some balls and asked Seth for her number,” I added. I already looked like a chump, why hold back now?
“Wait! Hold up!” Hunter stopped us while I was reaching for the bottle, determined to get out of the spotlight. “You mean, your little bother had Emma’s number all along and you didn’t ask for it?”
“Well, yeah.”
“Dickhead!” Hunter commented unhelpfully. Or maybe it was. Beside me, Emma giggled, and my cock twitched.
Not feeling like sitting here and being ridiculed any longer, I spun the bottle, a smile creeping over my face when it stopped, pointing directly at Hunter. Pay back was a bitch and I was worse. “Hunter, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” he replied full of arrogance, almost like he had nothing to lose.
Rubbing my chin, I leaned back against the couch. I needed to get him good, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t spend a lot of time scheming. When Emma leaned towards me, I caught a whiff of her coconut shampoo and almost made a mess in my pants. “What are you going to make him do?” she whispered, her warm breath tickling my neck.
“No idea. Any suggestions?”
“You need to embarrass him,” Emma suggested.
“Hey! This isn’t teams! No cheating, Emma. Let him figure out his lame-arse dare on his own,” Hunter protested. If I hadn’t been determined to make his life miserable before, I sure as shit was now.
“Hunter, grab your phone. You need to message one of your teammates telling them how much you love and respect them. Tell them that they’re your hero and you only wish you could be half as good as they are.”
Beside me, Logan snorted. He knew exactly how this was going to play out. The girls though, didn’t get it. At least I assumed they didn’t from the weird looks they shared.
“Wh-which teammate?” Hunter stuttered as he pulled his phone from his pocket.
“Don’t care. You choose. But you must leave your phone on the floor where we can all see it until they reply,” I added. Part of this game was humiliation and if I was going down, then he was coming with me.
“Fine,” he grunted gruffly as he started tapping out the message.
“Read it out,” Sienna requested, and Hunter looked like she was pulling his pubes with the way his face contorted.
“Hey, man. Just wanted to let you know how awesome I think you are. One day I wish I could play half as well as you. Love ya, man,” he read using a monotone voice, obviously not thrilled with the situation. But I was. That was funny. I knew from previous experience, that message would be printed off and shared around so by the time he got to training next session, the whole team would be in on the joke.
“It’ll do,” I confirmed, kicking the empty bottle towards him.
“Who’d you send it to?” Tash asked curiously. To me, it didn’t matter but I guess depending on who he chose was how out of control this could end up.
“Roberts,” he confessed.
“Dude!” Logan exclaimed before dissolving in a fit of laughter. “You’re fucked. He’s the biggest gossip in the league. He’ll screen shot that shit and plaster it all over social media.”
“Fuck!” Hunter growled, picking up his phone and tapping aggressively. Not that it would help. Once that shit was in cyberspace there was no way of getting it back. Trust me. I’d learned the hard way.
Distracting Hunter from his tantrum, Sienna snuggled under his arm before reminding him it was his turn.
I was glad Sienna and Tash had dragged me out of bed and made me get up to hang out. When I’d left the ground, I’d been in a pissy mood. The box had been incredible, I couldn’t eat another thing if I tried and Bryce’s family were awesome. Then there was Tash and Logan. Even though we’d only just met, I freaking loved them. Especially Tash. She was funny and smart and kept knocking her big, tough, possessive fiancé back down a peg or two anytime he ventured too close.
Now here I was, sitting on the floor, three glasses of wine later playing truth or dare, something I hadn’t played since I was sixteen and Melissa, a snarky blonde barbie bitch I’d gone to school with dared me to kiss Colin which she took photos of and sent to everyone we knew. Something I swore I’d never play again. Yet here I was. The only thing humiliating about it was my appearance. I should’ve changed but they wouldn’t let me. Tash told me I looked cute how I was, and Sienna assured me that if Bryce wanted the real me, then that’s what he’d be getting. She knew me better than anyone and Sienna knew the moment I walked through the door each evening, the bra came off and the fuzzy socks came on.
With Hunter still murmuring and muttering about how karma was going to be his bitch, I glanced over at Bryce. He looked relaxed if not a bit tired; with his shoes kicked off, leaning back against the couch, his arm outstretched behind my shoulders. Even though he wasn’t touching me, I was acutely aware how close he was. All I’d have to do was drop my head backwards and it’d land in his huge hand – very talented hand, I remembered vividly. Hands and fingers I dreamt about more than I wanted to admit. Fingers that played me like I was an instrument and he was one of the most skilled musicians on the planet. A shiver passed up my spine at the memory.
Not one to miss anything, Bryce leaned towards me, engulfing me in his scent. It was soap and man. I was completely intoxicated. “You cold?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.
“What? No. I’m fine,” I deflected, feeling my cheeks burn. If only he knew he was the cause of my goose bumps.
“You sure?”
“Ah ha.”
“My turn,” Hunter proclaimed, reaching for the bottle and forcing my attention off the man beside me.
“Be nice,” Sienna reminded him, but he silenced her with a quick kiss.
I really needed to corner Sienna and find out what the hell was going on with them. Two weeks ago, his name was off limits, and now they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. I was so confused. Did we like him or was he the enemy? Keeping up was giving me a headache.
“Tash!” Hunter cheered, rubbing his hands together gleefully.
“Yes, Hunter?” Tash sat up straighter in Logan’s arms.
“Truth or dare?”
Without hesitation or even blinking, Tash replied confidently. “Dare.”
It was like she knew Hunter wouldn’t go too hard on her. The safety net of having Logan sitting there ready and able to rip anyone limb from limb if they embarrassed or hurt his princess must’ve made her feel bullet proof. As a tsunami of longing washed over me, I realised that’s what I wanted. I wanted someone to look at me like that. To want to be that person who protected and loved me beyond reason. The moment my eyes locked with Bryce’s I knew I was fucked because I couldn’t help but wonder if he could possibly be that person for me.
“I dare you to write a blog post about how awesome I am.”
“How can I do that? I’m not a blogger,” Tash protested, folding her arms across her chest. While everyone else must’ve missed it, I certainly didn’t miss the exchange of concerned looks that passed between Tash, Logan and Bryce.
“Bullshit, Tash. Or should I just call you ‘T’?”
When Tash gasped, I knew she’d been caught.
“You’re the blogger on that site?” Sienna asked, astounded.
“Ah, yeah. But that’s not public knowledge,” she added quickly.
“But you’re always giving Logan a hard time. All the guy has to do is miss a tackle or drop a hand pass and he’s hauled across hot coals,” I added, remembering the last couple of posts I’d read. Beside me, Bryce chucked. “I wouldn’t laugh if I were you,” I warned him.
“What’d I do?”
“Madeline Higgins,” was all I offered him, and from the look on his face, those two words were the ice-cold shower he needed.